Famine In The Land Sermon

Abraham and Isaac - The Ultimate Love and Terror Sacrifice

Famine In The Land sermon notes and audio. Have you every experienced a misery in your life? It seemed there was no relief any place. Did you revert to Egypt – the things of the world? Did it seem everything was drying up?  We usually at least think about going back to Egypt. When we …

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Ascension the Day the Kingdom Began: How to Understand

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Ascension the Day the Kingdom Began: How to Understand sermon video audio notes. We know about Christmas and Easter, but we don’t seem to know much about the Ascension. Jesus somehow was given a special ride to heaven. I don’t want us to think of the Ascension with a shallow understanding. So, what is the …

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Build Stick and Straw Huts – How Tongues Build a Wonderful Life

Stick and Straw Huts

Build Stick and Straw Huts – How Tongues Build a Wonderful Life video audio notes. The apostles did their job. They laid the foundation for the holy city. Upon their foundation was to be built the city itself. Instead, followers would build stick and straw huts. Believers were not building the wonderful city. Instead, we …

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Come Holy Spirit but Why Tongues? video audio notes

Come Holy Spirit but Why Tongues video audio notes. Christians frequently forget the importance of the Holy Spirit. We know He’s here, but don’t know exactly why. In the Book of Acts (actually Acts of the Holy Spirit) when we find people receiving the Holy Spirit, interestingly, we find them speaking in tongues. In the …

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Distraction sermon audio notes


Distraction sermon video audio notes – Life is full of them. Probably the thing  we are distracted from the most is the Lord and the kingdom. With life yelling and fouling us, how are we supposed to focus on church and God’s kingdom? Nonetheless, to play in the championship of life, somehow you MUST remain …

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Kingdom of God sermon video

Kingdom of God sermon video

Kingdom of God sermon video. We will look at scripture after scripture showing that the kingdom of God was in existence on earth before Jesus came, is in existence this very moment on earth, and it will be on earth after we are gone. Additionally, I give you 20-30 scripture references (which in no way …

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What Seemed to be Tongues sermon video

what seemed to be tongues

What Seemed to be Tongues sermon video. Each of them received their very own/individual tongue of fire power. Peter received his. John received his. Mary received her power. About 120 received their own individual power – tongue of fire. Next, notice the Spirit enabled them to witness. Tongues here is the specific enabling to witness …

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Weapons of Our Warfare – How to Utterly Destroy Strongholds

Weapons of Our Warfare series

Weapons of Our Warfare series sermon notes. The apostle Paul instructs us that there is a war. Not only is there a war, but we are participants in it. This war is of maximum proportions. Also, it is far advanced from any of the thousands of wars that have ever taken place. Furthermore, this war …

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Prophecy Weapon – How to Write Out Your Vision for Success

Weapons of Our Warfare series

Prophecy Weapon – How to Write Out Your Vision for Success notes. If the enemy can remove the prophet and prophecy from the church, the weapon of warfare needed to prosper and move forward will be removed from the people (2Co 10:3). WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE Prophecy Weapon – How to Write Out Your Vision …

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Gift of Divers Tongues Weapon – How to Become Spiritually Powerful

Weapons of Our Warfare series

Gift of Divers Tongues Weapon – How to Become Spiritually Powerful notes. It is a little frustrating reading books by people or listening to people about the gift of divers tongues who have never spoken in tongues. Neither do they know what a gift of divers tongues (different tongues) is about. Rather than simply saying …

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