The Heart of Giving: Biblical Financial Giving

Handling Controlling and Manipulative People

Biblical Financial Giving audio video notes. What does the dreaded word ‘tithe’ mean anyway? Tithe simply means a percent. God teaches us to give a percentage into three different areas: (1) Prevention tithe; (2) Intervention tithe; and (3) Yourself tithe. Have you ever been told you are to tithe to yourself? To show you I …

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The Power of Dreaming – Unlocking Your Full Potential 2

Handling Controlling and Manipulative People

The Power of Dreaming – Unlocking Your Full Potential 2 audio video notes. When God gives us a dream, there will be many dark, devastating times – hate, pits, lies, and prisons. Do what Joseph did. Remain in your faith. God will bring us to our dream and throne. THE POWER OF… By Pastor Delbert …

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The Power of Dreaming – Unlocking Your Full Potential

Handling Controlling and Manipulative People

The Power of Dreaming – Unlocking Your Full Potential audio video notes. A dream is a place bigger than you are right now. Your dream will keep you going every day. Your dream is something in front of you. It’s what motivates you to get out of bed and do something worthwhile. Your dream makes …

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Finding Hope in God’s Plan Pruning and Rainbow

Plan Pruning Rainbow sermon notes

Finding Hope in God’s Plan Pruning and Rainbow sermon notes. God has a plan for you. There will be times of pruning, but there is fruit and a rainbow. The Lord has a great plan for you. It’s a plan for your good and not for your evil. It’s a plan that will give you …

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People and Divine Connections: The Key to a Blessed and Successful Life

Purpose Of The Church audio

People and Divine Connections sermon series audio video notes. It’s true. People and divine connections are extremely important in our lives. Of these there are people we avoid, people we approach, people we push up, and people who push us up. Knowing and recognizing this is key to a blessed and successful life. People and …

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Be A Good Example: Living Epistles in Action

Purpose Of The Church audio

Be A Good Example audio video notes. The Bible says we are living epistles, meaning we are letters. Much of the Bible is made of letters/epistles written to people and to churches. It means people may not be reading the Bible, but they are reading your life every day. We are to be a good …

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How to Draw a Bigger Circle for a Rich Life

Purpose Of The Church audio

Draw A Bigger Circle audio video notes. ‘But, Delbert, he has a tattoo and long hair. I just don’t agree with it.’ Jesus had long hair. Moses had long hair (I know because I watched the movies). In the Scriptures, both men and women wore earrings and even nose rings. Some of us missed wonderful …

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How to Nurture Divine Connections with People

Purpose Of The Church audio

How to Nurture Divine Connections with People audio video notes. We need to pray every day for divine connections. We need to pray God will bring into our paths the people we need, and weed out the people from our lives and paths who hinder our growth in God. God will bring the right people, …

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Maximize Your Destiny: People You Push Up

Purpose Of The Church audio

People You Push Up Divine Encounters audio video notes. Every one of us should have project people. We should have someone we believe in and work to push up. We should give advice, and wisdom, introduce them to our contacts, and help them in every single way we can. Your future and your goals are …

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People You Associate: Influence on Your Destiny

People You Associate with

People You Associate audio video notes. Elijah told Elisha if Elisha would associate with him until the end he would have the life he wanted. If he didn’t, Elisha wouldn’t. Elisha was there the day the Lord took Elijah. The life Elijah experienced was a double portion. It was exactly the life Elisha asked to …

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