Desire When You Pray


Desire When You Pray sermon video audio notes. Jesus said ask with your deepest  DESIRE then BELIEVE. Believe what? Believe that you receive everything you asked. He meant to BELIEVE it. To believe it you must see it. Seeing it will drive out unbelief. See your body healed. Visualize those you pray for healed. Certainly, …

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What Things Soever You Desire sermon


What Things Soever You Desire sermon video audio notes. Jesus said if you want a dynamic prayer life, attach what you DESIRE to your prayer. You can ask Father to fix your finances, but do you appetite to the point you will do what things soever are necessary to fix them? DESIRE moves God. HE …

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Demons and Darkness Series: How to Overcome Evil with Good

Demons and Darkness

Demons and Darkness Series: How to Overcome Evil with Good videos, audio, and notes. Confront the unseen realm in “Demons and Darkness.” This series equips believers to stand firm against demonic forces and walk in victory. Have you ever come face-to-face with a person who had a demon (or a demon who had a person)? …

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A Spirit Of sermon video audio notes

Demons and Darkness

A Spirit Of sermon video audio notes. There are several kinds of demonic spirits about which the scriptures speak. There are evil spirits, unclean spirits, dumb and deaf spirits, a spirit of infirmity, a spirit of divination, and foul spirits. Of all of those, which do you think the Bible speaks about the most and …

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Demon From Childhood

Demons and Darkness

Demon From Childhood sermon video audio notes. Jesus asked a father how long his son had been throwing himself on the ground, into fire, foaming out his mouth, being rigid, and robbed of speech. The father answered, From Childhood. Parents, our children can be possessed by demons from childhood. DEMONS AND DARKNESS By Pastor Delbert …

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Met By A Demon sermon video audio notes

Demons and Darkness

Met By A Demon sermon video audio notes. I find the majority of the church world scarcely believes in the existence of Demons And Darkness. A pedophile, could this maybe be demonic? Does it not come from some dark place only a possessed person would go? A rapist, would this be demonic? Society can lock …

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Deal Or No Deal Sermon Series

Deal Or No Deal

Deal Or No Deal Sermon Series audio video notes. Dealing with God. There are certain issues in the scriptures where the Lord sort of says, “I will make a deal with you. If you take my deal, here is what you get.” Then he gives us his deal and says, “…or, you can do it …

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Hearing The Word Of God: How To Understand Mysteries

Deal Or No Deal

Hearing the Word of God: How to Understand Mysteries video audio notes. The Lord made a deal with us. By hearing the Word of God, we can know and understand the mysteries of the parables, meaning the mysteries of life. Others listen but never hear. Imagine being able to understand vital mysteries about life! DEAL …

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Salvation and Resurrection of the Dead

Deal Or No Deal

Salvation and Resurrection of the Dead sermon video audio notes. Jesus filtered graves down to two resurrections or the hour that is coming. The reason, the purpose for hearing, believing, and salvation is to be in the resurrection of life and avoid the resurrection of damnation. The resurrection is going to happen. We do not …

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Forgiving Deal or No Deal sermon

Deal Or No Deal

Forgiving Deal or No Deal sermon video audio notes. We are never more like our heavenly Father than when we forgive. Nothing is more Christian than forgiving. You are children OF YOUR FATHER IN HEAVEN when you forgive. The process of forgiveness begins with love by praying for those who have injured you exactly as …

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