Cussing Christians Series: How to Overcome Verbal Vices addresses the prevalent issue of profanity among believers. This series examines why Christians struggle with cussing, its origins, and the difficulty in breaking the habit. It challenges the notion that swearing enhances masculinity or femininity and questions the impact of such language on children. The series explores how cussing reflects personal character deficiencies, likening it to a virus infecting one’s integrity. It emphasizes the power of words in shaping our image and relationships, highlighting how a “toilet mouth” can negate even the most attractive physical appearance. Ultimately, it encourages Christians to cultivate speech that reflects Christ-like character and positively influences their families and communities.
Cussing Christians sermon series video audio notes
By Delbert Young
Cussing and Your Personal Character sermon video audio notes
This is what happens to us when our PC – Personal Character – becomes infected with malicious viruses of obscenities, profanities, swearing, cursing, etc. If we’re going to truly address cussing, I believe the first issue we must admit is this: when profanities and obscenities come out of us it reveals Personal Character Defilement Syndrome
Silver Tongue or Toilet Tongue video audio notes
Our mouths give us away. Looks are important in forming a favorable image and in today’s society looks can be manufactured using liposuction, beauty products, Wonder Bras, implants, and Photoshop. Yet, even if I am a Brad Pitt look-alike, but have a toilet mouth and a septic tank cussing attitude, no one will respect me…
Adjusting A Cussing Attitude video audio notes
We spew filthy profanities all over the place. Our children will no doubt pick up and duplicate the cuss words. And, they will also no doubt pick up and duplicate the toilet attitude. We expose our own children to our inability to deal with daily annoyances, daily aggravations and daily frustrations.
A Better Way Than Our Cussing video audio notes
Do you think our cussing fuels domestic violence? A Christian should absolutely hate it when they cuss around their spouse. They should feel like such a failure and hypocrites. A cussing husband does not display himself to his wife as her noble knight. A cussing wife does not display herself as his Cinderella or Snow White.
Cussing Christians sermon series video audio notes
Cussing Christians sermon series video audio notes
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