It Is Great To Be Alive With Technology

Great to be Alive technology

It Is Great To Be Alive With Technology sermon notes. We live in the Postmodern Era. It’s an age of technology. Many think this era will be the greatest move of God of all time. What do you think God is using and will be using during this time? Answer: The screen. It Is Great …

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Baptism – Remission of Sin: How to Be Cleansed

Baptism For Remission

Baptism – Remission of Sin: How to Be Cleansed sermon notes. What does that mean? Firstly, say a person took chemo. Afterward, the chemo worked. So, we say the cancer is in remission. Consequently, this means the cancer is losing its power. To rephrase it, the cancer is dying, and the person is becoming more …

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Abraham The Friend Of God: Tested And Tried

Abraham and Isaac - The Ultimate Love and Terror Sacrifice

Abraham The Friend Of God: Tested And Tried series notes video audio. What is so powerful that it caused Abraham to leave first Ur and then Haran to seek a land he had never seen? Also, why would a man leave everything familiar and comfortable at age 75 and go on a journey with God? …

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Helping Your Children Find A Spouse – How to Know the One

Abraham and Isaac - The Ultimate Love and Terror Sacrifice

Helping Your Children Find A Spouse – How to Know the One sermon notes. Abraham depended upon a trusted relationship when it came to accepting a spouse for his child. This relationship loved Abraham and loved his son Isaac. Each of us should have people in our lives who love us and minister to us …

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Death of Sarah: How to Find Hope in Mourning

Abraham and Isaac - The Ultimate Love and Terror Sacrifice

Death of Sarah: How to Find Hope in Mourning sermon notes. Sarah was 127 years old when she died. After more than 100 years of marriage, Sarah died. Death parts those whom nothing else could. Leaving Ur could not part them. Changing of lifestyle from a house to living in a tent could not part …

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Abimelech Watching – How To Redeem Ourselves To The Lost

Abraham and Isaac - The Ultimate Love and Terror Sacrifice

Abimelech Watching – How To Redeem Ourselves To The Lost sermon notes. Abimelech was Abraham’s neighbor. Neighbors are always observing us. They observe how we raise our children and pay our bills. They know about our marriage and observe us taking care of our homes and possessions. Do they like us living close to them? …

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Ishmael Mocking Isaac: How to Heal Wounded Blended Families

Abraham and Isaac - The Ultimate Love and Terror Sacrifice

Ishmael Mocking Isaac: How to Heal Wounded Blended Families sermon notes. This was sufficient to cast out Hagar and Ishmael, but the mocking seems natural. Older brothers mock and tease their little brothers. In what family would this not happen? There must be more to this than we are given. What was it? Let’s take …

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Isaac We Need To Be Weaned: How to Embrace Maturity

Abraham and Isaac - The Ultimate Love and Terror Sacrifice

Isaac We Need To Be Weaned: How to Embrace Maturity sermon notes. A “great feast” was made on the day Isaac was weaned, not on the day Isaac was born or circumcised. When we come to the Lord as a newborn there is rejoicing and laughter. There is great rejoicing when we are baptized. But …

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We Need A Dream: How to Overcome Dream Killers

Abraham and Isaac - The Ultimate Love and Terror Sacrifice

We Need A Dream sermon notes. Scriptures talk about dreaming a lot. However, we preachers teach about it very little. Actually, it’s talked about more than “born again,” prayer, Antichrist, devil, or Satan. However, we have much less teaching and understanding of the Biblical teachings on dreaming. Perhaps it’s like tongues. It’s just a little …

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Almighty Covenant: How to Be Transformed by Faith

Abraham and Isaac - The Ultimate Love and Terror Sacrifice

Almighty Covenant: How to Be Transformed by Faith sermon notes. Exactly as Abraham was invited into the Almighty Lord’s already existing covenant, which He calls “My Covenant,” we too are invited into an already existing covenant – the My Covenant. We, too, have specifics. They will not be the same as Abraham’s specifics or Sarah’s …

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