To Whom Do We Address When Praying? notes. The Lord Jesus Christ turned traditional prayer upside down. He didn’t teach shuckling (rocking back and forth), useless liturgies, synagogue prayer, specific dress codes when praying, loud praying, or addressing prayers to one of the one-hundred and fifteen names of God. Instead Jesus specifically said to address our prayers to…
Prayer Issues Not Taught
To Whom Do We Address When Praying?
by Delbert Young
What am I asking when I ask, “To whom do we address when praying?” Well, to help us understand my question better nearly all religions address prayers to “God,” a god, something, or someone. For example, the Jewish religion address prayers to the LORD, except they do not say, “Lord.” They said, “YHWH” pronounced Yahweh. Or they addressed prayers to one of the other one-hundred fifteen names they use for God. We’ll talk more about this shortly. Buddhists do not address prayers to a god but to “enlightened beings” – Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. Native Americans, Indians, address prayers to the “great spirit.” Muslims address their prayers to Allah.
To whom do we address when we pray? Hopefully you get my question now which probably sounds like a foolish question to you at the moment. I assure you it isn’t. I want us to see Jesus Christ was very specific about to whom we address our prayers. What I want is for us to know not only to whom we are to address our prayers (who we pray to), I want us to know reasons why Jesus was specific. If I can communicate this truth and when we address prayers the way Jesus said it will add a new level to our prayer life. At least it added to mine.
To Whom Do We Address When Praying?
Old Testament Names of God
Back to the Jews and to whom they address prayers. I said Jews prayed to YHWH, but to Jews God has many names. We find these names of God in the Old Testament. I’m sure you’ve heard sermons on the many names of God and maybe you even made a list of the many names to use in your prayer time. When I say many names, I do mean many. I mean something like one-hundred and fifteen names and titles for “God” in the Old Testament alone.
Here is a painful and partial list of the names of God found in the Old Testament.
Elohay Kedem, Elohay Tz’vaot, Elohay Mishpat, Elohay Selichot, Elohay Marom, Elohay Mikarov, Elohay Chasdi, Elohay Mauzi, Elohay Tehilati, Elohay Yishi, Elohay Elohim, Elohay Tzur, Elohay Kol Basar, Elohay HaRuchot LeKol Basar, Elohim Kedoshim, Elohim Chaiyim, El HaNe’eman, El HaGadol, El HaKadosh, El Yisrael, El HaShamayim, El Sali, El Simchat Gili, El Rah’ee, El HaKavod, El De’ot, El Olam, El Emet, El Emunah, El Yeshuati, El Chaiyai, El Echad, El Rachum, El Chanun, El Kana, El Tzadik, El Shaddai, El Elyon, El Yeshurun, El Gibor, Immanu El, Elah Yerush’lem, Elah Yisrael, Elah Sh’maya, Elah Sh’maya V’Arah, YHVH, YHVH Elohim, YHVH M’kadesh, YHVH Yireh, YHVH Nisi, YHVH Shalom, YHVH Tzidkaynu, YHVH Rofehcha, YHVH Tz’vaot, YHVH O’saynu, Yah, etc.
Each name has a different meaning so basically He was/is the God of whatever is needed. Whatever a person needs simply pick the name associated with the need and address prayer to the name. This is Old Testament prayer and not how the Lord Jesus instructed us to pray.
To Whom Do We Address When Praying?
Praying to God
Many Christians address their prayers to “God” saying something like, “God, I come to you in prayer today asking You to (or for)…” As we’re seeing, the word or name “God” spans a broad range. Nearly all religions pray to “God,” or pray to a god of some form, so to which or whos god are Christians addressing when they address their prayers to “God”? It seems our prayers should be more specific than “God.” Jesus said they should be. We want to pray to the correct “God,” don’t we? The Lord Jesus made prayer specific, but not to “God.”
Who is God?
I realize asking “Who is God” appears to be a foolish question, but I want us to process. Recently I heard a preacher ask, “What is your image of God?” What do you think or imagine when you think of God? To make certain you don’t think what I’m about to show you is something I came up with off the wall, here is a quote from Bible Study Tools.
“From the beginning of creation in Genesis to the end of times in Revelation, God refers to Himself as “us” or “our” and thus describes the doctrine of the Trinity. The word trinity comes from “tri” meaning three and “unity” meaning one. God is three distinct individuals – God the Father, God the Son Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit – in one true God. These Bible verses and Scriptures about the trinity will help you have a better understanding of who God is. It can be a difficult concept to grasp, yet we can believe God’s word and know that while His ways are higher than ours, we can trust in Him!” (emphasis added)
To Whom Do We Address When Praying?
We got it didn’t we? “God is three distinct individuals – God the Father, God the Son Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit – in one true God.” So, when I say “God,” I mean the Trinity – God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. I am thinking three persons, not one. Let’s look at a few Trinity Scriptures. We don’t need to spend much time here. You know about the Trinity. I’m working toward to whom Jesus instructed us to address our prayers.
Genesis 1:26-27 Then GOD said, “Let US make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So GOD created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
Luke 1:35 The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.
Matthew 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
Luke 3:21-22 When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too. And as he was praying, heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”
1 Peter 1:2 who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and sprinkling by his blood: Grace and peace be yours in abundance.
To Whom Do We Address When Praying?
In the New Testament Scriptures “God” speaks of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit each with a specific purpose or “job.” We all know about the Trinity, and I realize usually when people say, “God” they are thinking God the Father. However Jesus didn’t address Him as “God.” Jesus was specific, and He instructed us to be more specific than addressing “God” when we pray. It’s not only semantics. Jesus said to be specific.
How did Jesus instruct us to address prayers?
Before I answer the question I have a question for you. We saw the first thing Jesus taught about prayer was what we called “Closet Prayer.” What was the next thing Jesus taught about prayer? Before you read on take a moment to see if you know the answer.
(KJV) Matthew 6:6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, PRAY TO THY FATHER which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
Before reading the NIV translation of the previous verse, let’s change the “thou” to “you,” the “prayest” to “pray,” the “thy” to “your,” the “hast” to have, and the “seeth” to “sees” for clarity in the King James Version.
(KJV) Matthew 6:6 But YOU, when YOU PRAY, enter into your closet, and when you have shut thy door, PRAY TO YOUR FATHER which is in secret; and YOUR Father which sees in secret shall reward you openly.
My reason for adjusting the verse to how we would say it is to point out this is “YOU” and how “YOU” are to pray specific.
To Whom Do We Address When Praying?
Now let’s look at the New International Version.
(NIV) Matthew 6:6 But when YOU pray, go into YOUR room, close the door and PRAY TO YOUR FATHER, who is unseen. Then YOUR Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
The Lord Jesus said YOU are to address YOUR prayers to YOUR Father, i.e. “PRAY TO YOUR FATHER.”
Next, after Jesus set it up and explained exactly to whom we are to address our prayers, He actually prayed it out loud for us giving us the perfect example showing us exactly what to say so we wouldn’t miss it.
(KJV) Matthew 6:9 AFTER THIS MANNER therefore pray ye: OUR FATHER which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
(NIV) Matthew 6:9 “THIS, THEN, IS HOW YOU SHOULD PRAY: “‘OUR FATHER in heaven, hallowed be your name.
I don’t know of many times in the Scriptures when Jesus actually laid something out for us this clearly. With parables He required us to work through them and figure out what He meant. Not here in prayer. “After this manner therefore pray ye” (KJV). “This, then is how you should pray” (NIV). THIS IS HOW I WANT YOU TO PRAY. Say, “Our Father…” Address your prayers to “Our Father.”
To Whom Do We Address When Praying?
Lord’s Prayer
As we’ve mentioned, this passage in Matthew 6:9 is found in the center of the Sermon on the Mount. This prayer is greatest prayer ever prayed found in the center of the greatest sermon ever taught.
The ingredients of the example prayer Jesus gave us has eight focused thoughts. The first four thoughts focus on Father. They are: (1) “Our Father,” (2) “hallowed be YOUR name”; (3) “YOUR kingdom come”; and (4) “YOUR will be done.” The last four thoughts focus on us. They are: (1) “give US”; (2) “forgive US”; (3) “lead US not into temptation”; and (4) “deliver US from evil.” Though MOST everything we would pray about will come up as we talk with Father about these eight thoughts, this is NOT ALL we will talk about with Father. The emphasis of Jesus is we can talk to Father about anything from how we honor and respect Our Father to our temptations by evil.
Jesus didn’t only teach people to pray in “this manner” here in Matthew chapter 6. He also taught this example prayer to His disciples, well at least one disciple. “One” disciple asked the Lord about prayer, but Jesus taught “them” meaning more than one disciple. We find this teaching in Luke chapter 11.
(KJV) Luke 11:1-2 And it came to pass, that, as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples. And he said unto them, WHEN YE PRAY, SAY, OUR FATHER which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.
(NIV) Luke 11:1-2 One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.” He said to them, “WHEN YOU PRAY, SAY: “‘FATHER, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come.
If you or I asked the Lord today to teach us to pray He would instruct us in the exact manner He instructed His disciples then. He would say, ‘When you pray address your prayer to Father.’ Talk to our Father.
To Whom Do We Address When Praying?
So, Delbert, are you saying if I’ve been praying to “God” then I’ve been doing prayer wrong, or even saying my prayers have not been heard at all? NO THAT IS NOT WHAT I’M SAYING. I shared this with someone once. They said, “I’ve been doing it wrong.” I explained it wasn’t necessarily “wrong.” However, it wasn’t the way Jesus instructed us.
Actually, I’m fairly certain when Christians address their prayers to “God” in their minds they think Father God even though they said “God.” The Father knows your heart. What I’m attempting to do in our study is enhance our personal prayer life. I want your prayer to be as Scriptural as possible. We want to make prayer more meaningful, purposeful, and enjoyable. I’m attempting to show you some things perhaps you haven’t seen or thought about concerning prayer such as this: why was Jesus so specific about addressing our prayers to “Our Father”? Could there be a reason?
Why is it important to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ we address our prayers to “our Father”? Also why is it so important He literally prayed it out loud for us so we wouldn’t miss it? Have you ever wondered the reason(s) behind His saying do it this way? I mean, why would addressing our prayers to “Our Father” be better than addressing our prayers to “God”?
Let’s talk about a few reasons.
1) A primary reason is a proper personal relationship.
We’ve seen there are some one-hundred and fifteen names for God in the Old Testament alone, but how personal can I be with Shiloh or El or The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? How relational can I be with Elah Yerush’lem, or HaShem, or an image I come up with? If I attempt to do a Hebrew name, or pray to an image thing, I will most likely dread praying if I must remember all those names and meanings, and I’m nearly praying to an idol if I come up with an image. Jesus said to simply say, ‘Our Father!’ I can be personal with “Our Father.” I know what a good father is and should be.
To Whom Do We Address When Praying?
Jesus radically changed how people prayed. He made personal prayer simple, but not only simple. He personalized prayer and made prayer relational. “Our Father” is far more relational than “The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,” and far more specific than addressing an image I conjure up. We can all relate to “our Father, but that’s not a primary reason to me.
Abba Father
You may have heard “Abba, Father” taught by teachers and preachers as “Abba” meaning “daddy” or “papa,” or “dad,” or “pa,” etc. This teaching is usually an attempt to show we are to address God the Father in prayer as we’d casually addressed our biological fathers as “daddy,” or “pa,” “dad,” or papa.” It’s taught in a way to encourage us to pray more relaxed and to mentally get Our Father out of an untouchable throne someplace in heaven to level ground with us so we can talk to Him casually. “Abba” is taught to mean a term of endearment where we see God the Father in a relaxed acquaintance way. So, I want to let you decide if that’s what the term “Abba” actually means and suggests how we address Father God in the Scriptures.
First, no place are we instructed to call God the Father “Abba.”
The word “Abba” is found three times in the Scriptures: Mark 14:36; Romans 8:15; and Galatians 4:6. Below is the copy/paste out of my Strong’s Concordance of Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek words. I’ll give what Strong’s Concordance defines for both “Abba” and “Father” so we can compare the two words.
0005 Abba {ab-bah’}
of Aramaic origin
Abba = “father”
(1) father, customary title used of God in prayer. Whenever it occurs in the New Testament it has the Greek interpretation joined to it, that is apparently to be explained by the fact that the Chaldee “ABBA” through frequent use in prayer, gradually acquired the nature of a most sacred proper name, to which the Greek speaking Jews added the name from their own tongue.
KJV: Abba 3
Before looking at “Father,” allow me to help explain what Strong’s Concordance is telling us about the word “Abba.” Strong’s gives every word in the Scriptures a number. The Strong’s number for “Abba” is 0005. Abba has an Aramaic origin meaning it is a pure Aramaic word. What I mean is when we read “Abba” in the Scriptures it’s not translated into English. It’s an Aramaic word. When “Abba” is used in a Scripture the Greek word for “Father” is also used with it to translate “Abba” to “Father” for clarity. Scriptures use “Abba” 3 times, and 3 times the King James Version writes it “Abba, Father.” “Abba” is the untranslated Aramaic word, and “Father” is the translated Greek word.
I personally do not see any thought in this instructing us to addressing “Our Father” as “daddy” or “papa” to make prayer more casual. My point is not that we can’t be casual with “Our Father.” Jesus made it casual by instructing us to say, “Our Father.” My point is it is not what the word “Abba” means. I’m very casual when I pray to “Our Father.” However, I don’t address “Our Father” as “dad,” or “pops,” etc. What I do see is “Abba” is the Aramaic word for “Father,” and the Scriptures combine the two words to simply clarify what “Abba” means to those who do not know, i.e. “Father.” Thus we always read “Abba, Father.”
3962 pater {pat-ayr’}
apparently a root word
(1) generator or male ancestor
(1.a) either the nearest ancestor, father of the corporeal nature, natural fathers, both parents
(1.b) a more remote ancestor, the founder of a family or tribe, progenitor of a people, forefather, so Abraham is called, Jacob and David
(1.b.1) fathers i.e. ancestors, forefathers, founders of a nation
(1.c) one advanced in years, a senior
(2) God is called the Father
KJV: Father 418
Strong’s gives this word translated “father” the number 3962. It’s the Greek word “pater.” As we see it can reference a male ancestor, biological father, grandfather, forefather, a progenitor of a people, and God the Father. The word “pater” is used in the New Testament 418 times and is always translated into English as “father.”
To me the only difference between “Abba” and the Greek word “pater” is “Abba” is a pure untranslated Aramaic word while “pater” is the Greek word translated “father.” The writers used them together for clarity showing what “Abba” means. I do not see “Abba” meaning “dad,” “papa,” “paw,” “pa,” or anything other than “Father.” Should we be casual and be comfortable with “Our Father who art in heaven”? Of course we should. Jesus implied this by instructing us to say, “Our Father,” but teaching “Abba” means “dad,” “daddy,” “pa,” “papa,” etc., isn’t what I see the Scriptures teach.
2) Addressing prayers to “Our Father” constantly daily reminds us we are all family.
Jesus said to say “Our Father” not “my Father.” He definitely is my Father, but Jesus said when you pray say “Our Father.” “Our Father” tells me I have brothers and sisters. There’s more than me in this thing. I have you. You have me. We’re in this thing called the kingdom of God together. We all have needs and I should pray for and be concerned for your needs like I should pray for and be concerned for my family brother or my sister because you are! I have needs and you should pray for and be concerned for me like I’m your brother because I am. Saying “Our Father” causes me to see our lives are truly connected.
Never do Scriptures encourage the isolation of a Believer. The opposite is true. Scriptures encourage us to fellowship with one another, pray for one another, assist one another, love one another, forgive one another, and so on and so forth. Saying “Our Father” causes us to realize how we truly are brothers and sisters, not only friends. We are blood relations through the blood of Jesus Christ. The truth is we not only need Father. We need one another. Praying “Our Father” and allowing it to sink in, causes me to think differently about you, or even someone I’ve never met, when I pray for you or them. It allows me to pray for people who need prayer for whatever reason in a far different intensity. I’m not only praying for a person. I’m praying for a family member.
To Whom Do We Address When Praying?
Personal examples
I am an Online Campus pastor. One thing I get to do every week is “chat out,” i.e. type out prayers for people who attend our services and request private prayer. After reading about for what they need prayer, I type back to them, “Let’s pray…” Then I begin typing out a prayer for them. I always begin with, “Our Father…” This helps me remember I’m not praying for someone who could possibly live in a different country and of a different nationality or race. I’m praying for a brother. I’m praying for a sister. I need to pray for them as I did for my sister and do for my son and daughter. They are family. Saying “Our Father” kicks me into a different gear and intensity when I pray for them.
Recently one of my grandsons was diagnosed with Leukemia. I went pale when I heard the diagnoses during a phone call from my son. Do you know the first thing I did after hanging up the phone? I looked at my wife who was nearly in tears, and I said, “I’ve got to go pray!” I headed for my “closet,” i.e. balcony, and I desperately and intensely prayed. Here’s my point. Would I react the same way if you called me and told me your grandson was diagnosed with Leukemia? Would I hurt inside for you as if it was my sister’s grandson or my brother’s grandson?
To Whom Do We Address When Praying?
What saying and praying “Our Father” forces me to see is your grandson isn’t only your grandson. It’s my sister’s or my brother’s grandson. Your grandson is my family.
As I’m preparing this lesson it’s Saturday, March 12, 2022. Russia invaded Ukraine a few weeks ago. I heard on the radio what happened in Ukraine overnight. I felt to pray and I prayed, “Our Father…” Do you think my prayer took on a different intensity as I realized those people going through unspeakable horrors are my brothers and sisters? Jesus said, “When you pray say, ‘Our Father…”
Are we beginning to understand why Jesus said, “When you pray say, ‘Our Father'”?
3) When we pray “Our Father,” we are one nationality and race.
Praying “Our Father” causes me to realize I have white brothers and sisters and I have black brothers and sisters. I have some Jewish brothers and sisters and I have Gentile brothers and sisters. I have some wealthy brothers and sisters and I have some brothers and sisters who are not wealthy and even destitute. However, they are all my family.
When I pray “Our Father,” I see the world differently. Praying “Our Father” and allowing it to sink in will eradicate prejudice in anyone. If we could really get a handle on this one thought, what would happen to racism, prejudice, and poverty? I do not agree with Communism, but I do like common-ism in that we are here for each other and not only for self. We are on level ground when we say, “Our Father.” Jesus said we should BEGIN prayer with the words “Our Father.”
To Whom Do We Address When Praying?
Isn’t this truly the nuts and bolts of prayer? This understanding removes the vainness of prayer. We cannot count the times we have repeated The Lord’s Prayer, but have we ever truly prayed the Lord’s Prayer? Often we have done exactly what Jesus instructed us not to do (Mat 6:7 “babbling” or “vain repetitions”). We have memorized the words and because of the familiarity with the words, we don’t pray the prayer. “Our Father…”
I’ve shown us three really good reasons to answer “Why addressing our prayer to “Our Father” is better than addressing our prayers to “God,” and why our Lord Jesus instructed us to address our prayers to “Our Father.” Can I get an Amen!
Pray Our Father (Mat 6:9) Say Our Father (Luk 11: 2)
Hopefully we’re getting the “Our Father” aspect of prayer. Now we need to learn to literally say it.
There is a lot here I’d love to talk about and teach you, but we don’t have space in this lesson. The point is when we pray we are to audibly “SAY” something to Our Father, not “THINK” something to Our Father. It’s wonderful to think about Father, but thinking is not praying. At least it’s not the way Jesus instructed us to pray. When we pray we are to talk to Father, not think to Father. Audible words, words we can hear with our ears, should come out of our mouths. Why? Why should we audibly speak?
To Whom Do We Address When Praying?
One reason speaking is so necessary is there is creative power in our words.
I can’t get into a teaching on this now. However, I did at least two series on the power of our words. One series is titled Power of Words. The individual message titles are 1) Create Your World, 2)Murmuring and Complaining, 3)Irrevocable Blessing, 4) Speak to Your Mountains, 5) Speak No Evil, and 6) Overcoming Negative Words. Another shorter series is titled Power To Create With Words. The message titles are 1) Your Words Direct Your Life and 2) Blessing, High Praise, Fine Discourse, Polished Language. You can look at these if you so desire. Each have links.
As you can see from some of the titles above we create our own worlds with our own words. God (Trinity) created the world with words and we are made in their likeness and image (Gen 1:26 – “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness…” I’m sure you will want to look that one up for yourself.). We direct our lives with our words. Your words are the rudder to your life. Also, we bless our own lives and the lives of others with our words. We speak to and move our mountains with our words.
Prayer includes more than only asking Father to do something for us and others. Prayer includes declaring something done for ourselves and others.
I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed this but in the example prayer Jesus gave us (Mat 6:9-13), i.e. “The Lord’s Prayer” there is no “asking”. The word “ask,” nor any form of the word “ask” is in the prayer. Notice the declaration aspects. What I mean is even when talking to Father, Jesus said to say (audibly speak) several things: “Give us today…!” Say “Forgive us…!” Say “Lead us not…!” I don’t read a lot of “asking” in there. Say “Deliver us…!” I do see a lot of declaring what will happen.
To Whom Do We Address When Praying?
I’m not saying we tell Father what to do. I am saying there is declaring what He wants to do. Say “Your kingdom come!” Say “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven!” We’re not begging Father to do anything in prayer. We are declaring things done according to His will by speaking audible words.
I hope I’m not sounding like a heretic. Of course, the accomplishment of these things is not in our power, authority, or name as we speak and declare it. It’s in the authority, Name, and power of Jesus Christ we speak and declare things. We are simply agreeing with His will. We are releasing the creative force of His will into the spiritual dimension.
In Mark 11:13-14 Jesus spoke to a fig tree – a fig tree!
Think about this action. He actually said audible words to a fig tree! The fig tree then withered as it obeyed the words Jesus spoke to it into the spirit realm. Nothing appeared to happen when Jesus spoke the words, but it did happen. This fascinated Peter (and me) (Mar 11:21). Jesus used this event to teach Peter, others, and us a lesson on faith, prayer, and the supernatural power of our words. Jesus replied to Peter explaining how this works.
Mark 11:22-25 “Have faith in God,” Jesus answered. “I tell you the truth, if ANYONE SAYS to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart but BELIEVES THAT WHAT HE SAYS WILL HAPPEN, IT WILL BE DONE FOR HIM. Therefore I tell you, WHATEVER YOU ASK FOR IN PRAYER, believe THAT YOU HAVE RECEIVED IT, and it will be yours. And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.”
I plan to talk about this more in a different lesson, but for now notice faith in God is developed by saying in prayer in a declaration way what we desire to happen AS THOUGH WE’VE ALREADY RECEIVED IT. (Also don’t miss the supernatural power of forgiveness connected with prayer here.)
To Whom Do We Address When Praying?
Jesus didn’t ask Father to wither the fig tree. He didn’t “think” “May no one ever eat fruit from you again.” Jesus declared it supernaturally with audible words others could hear.
Mark 11:14 Then he SAID to the tree, “May no one ever eat fruit from you again.” AND HIS DISCIPLES HEARD HIM SAY IT.
What is in your path you need to supernaturally speak to and declare something? Speak to it as though it can hear you. The fig tree obviously heard Jesus. Is sickness in your path? It can hear you. Say to it… How about financial difficulties? Difficulties can supernaturally hear you in the spirit dimension. Say to it… Maybe marital problems or children problems are in your path. Speak to the problem as though the problem can hear you, and declare what you desire to see happen.
When I pray for myself, my family, you, or anyone about anything, I’ll audibly say something like this: “Our Father, I pray for… (whomever or whatever)” Then I shift gears a little in my faith’s supernatural eye. I’ll see what I prayed already happened, and declare it by saying to it as though it can hear my words. It can. This might be a good time to look at the number one faith Scripture.
(KJV) Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, THE EVIDENCE OF THINGS NOT SEEN.
(NIV) Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and CERTAIN OF WHAT WE DO NOT SEE.
See it. Speak to it. Have it. Be sure of what you hope for by seeing it even though it can’t be seen… yet! But, you can see it in your faith’s eye.
To Whom Do We Address When Praying?
Okay, enough on this point. I’ve taken longer than intended. I hope you realize actually saying words when we pray is vital, but not for only asking Our Father to do something. He desires we say and declare to things in prayer what we desire and believe as though already received. Doing this “say” aspect will elevate your faith to a supernatural level. Hearing yourself say, “Our Father” will elevate your personal prayer life relationally with you and for those you are praying. You will see people, no matter their nationality or race as family.
Goodness this is a lengthy lesson, but we’ve covered so much concerning to whom we address our prayers and why. The Lord Jesus said, “When you pray say, ‘Our Father…” Jesus even prayed it out loud for us so we would not miss it. Addressing prayers to “God” is fine. However, addressing prayers to and saying “Our Father” will intensify and enhance our prayer times. Prayer becomes more meaningful, fulfilling, and enjoyable. The next time you pray begin with saying, “Our Father.” Then pause and allow those words to sink in. You will actually “feel” them inside.
To Whom Do We Address When Praying? notes6
To Whom Do We Address When Praying? notes
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