Gethsemane We All Have One Luke 22:39-48

Gethsemane We All Have One Luke 22:39-48 audio video notes. When you think of Gethsemane, what comes to mind? Perhaps it was the place Jesus prayed, sleeping disciples, temptation, and stress with sweat like great drops of blood. But do you ever associate it with the Judas kiss? You have a Gethsemane. We all do. It’s your private and secure place in the natural and the spiritual. It’s your secret and safe place and a place for rest.

Of course, it’s the place where you pray, and it’s the place where you allow only your closest friends. It’s where you hide and escape from the world. It’s Gethsemane. But, Gethsemane can also be a place of tremendous temptation and stress. It can be the place of arrest and the place of the kiss of betrayal. It’s Gethsemane.


By Pastor Delbert Young

Gethsemane We All Have One Luke 22:39-48







Gethsemane We All Have One Luke 22:39-48 audio video notes.

Scriptures: Luke 4:13, Luke 22:39, Luke 22:40, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Mark 14:33-35, Luke 22:41, Luke 22:42, Luke 22:43, Luke 22:44, Luke 22:45-46, Luke 22:47, Luke 22:48,

When you think of Gethseman,e what comes to mind? Perhaps it was the place Jesus prayed, sleeping disciples, temptation, and stress with sweat like great drops of blood. But, do you ever associate it with the kiss? Luke doesn’t say, “Gethsemane” (Mat 26:36; Mar 14:32). Luke says the place (22:40). Gethsemane was a privately owned garden in the Mount of Olives. It seems the Lord made arrangements with its owner as he did with the owner of the Passover room.

You have a Gethsemane. We all do. It’s your private and secure place in the natural and in the spiritual. It’s your secret and safe place and a place for rest. Without a doubt, it’s the place you pray. It’s where you allow only your closest friends and where you hide and escape from the world. It’s Gethsemane. But, Gethsemane can also be a place of tremendous temptation and stress. It can be the place of arrest and the place of the kiss of betrayal. It’s Gethsemane.

As we’ve learned, Satan’s objective was always to stop Jesus from going to the cross. Satan did not kill Jesus on the cross. God did (Isa 53:4, 10). (See Then Satan Entered Judas Called Iscariot Luke 21:37 – 22:1-13 and As It Has Been Decreed Luke 22:21-30 ). No place displays this better than Gethsemane. Satan brought his greatest temptation ever given to anyone in Gethsemane. It was to stop the cross. Gethsemane is also a place where our life’s purpose is stopped. Adam and Eve were tempted by and fell to Satan in a garden. Jesus overcame temptation and defeated Satan in a garden. What will we do?

Gethsemane We All Have One Luke 22:39-48

In the three temptations at the beginning of Christ’s ministry (Luk 4; Mat 4; Mar 1), Satan tempted Jesus with everything. At the end of the wilderness temptations we read,

Luke 4:13 When the devil had finished all this tempting, he left him until AN OPPORTUNE TIME.

This was the opportune time. Satan released all his darkness. Satan’s head would be crushed, and a new king would reign if Jesus went to the cross (Gen 3:15). All four gospel writers, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, recorded this event. After finishing the last Passover meal,

Luke 22:39 Jesus went out AS USUAL to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him.

Every year at Passover, it was a full Pascal moon as the greatest of all battles began. Jesus led the way to the Mount of Olives with his eleven disciples, only hours away from his execution. Judas Iscariot had been dismissed to do what he must do (Joh 13:27). Jesus intentionally went to Gethsemane as usual where Judas Iscariot knew exactly where to find him. Satan knows where your Gethsemane is.

Luke 22:40 On reaching THE PLACE, he said to them, “Pray that YOU will not FALL INTO TEMPTATION.”

Gethsemane We All Have One Luke 22:39-48

Jesus didn’t ask them to pray for him. He instructed them to pray for themselves. No one can pray for you like you. There are times when we can’t pray for ourselves and someone must, and there are times when we won’t pray for ourselves and someone must, but other than Jesus, no one can touch God for you like you, and this is absolute when it comes to temptation.

The key to not falling into temptation is prayer. Temptation from Satan comes to us all, but we don’t have to fall into temptation. Prayer does not alleviate temptation. Prayer can alleviate the fall into temptation. The wording explains much. Picture falling into deep water. The water surrounds and enters you and can drown you. Falling into temptation can drown/destroy us. “Pray that you will not fall into temptation.”

Our battle with temptation is to fight our attraction to sin. This was not Christ’s battle. His battle was the opposite. We fight not to sin. Jesus fought to become sin.

2 Corinthians 5:21 God made him who had no sin TO BE SIN FOR US, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

Gethsemane We All Have One Luke 22:39-48

Jesus battled to let go of God and become sin. We battle to let go of sin and hold on to God. We battle to remain pure. He battled to become impure by being made sin.

Jesus left eight disciples in one place, taking Peter, James, and John further into the garden (Mat 26:37; Mar 14:33).

Mark 14:33-35 He took Peter, James and John along with him, and he began to be deeply distressed and troubled. “MY SOUL IS OVERWHELMED WITH SORROW TO THE POINT OF DEATH,” he said to them. “Stay here and keep watch.” Going a little farther, he fell to the ground and prayed…

Luke 22:41 He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed

This temptation was so overwhelming that even the Son of God could hardly bear it. Matthew says he fell on his face (Mat 26:39). Jesus left his closest and most trusted friends and prayed to Father God alone. We battle Satan alone as we pray to the Father. No one could battle this temptation for Jesus. No one can battle temptation for you.

Gethsemane We All Have One Luke 22:39-48

Matthew and Mark tell us Jesus would pray and then check on Peter, James, and John, whom he found sleeping and not praying. We bust them, but how many of us have slept when we should be praying? How many times have you not prayed and fallen into temptation?

Luke 22:42 “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”

Jesus was in agony. What do you think the Father felt as Jesus requested the Father to take this cup from me? It was settled since before time (Rev 13:8). Father loved Jesus as much as Jesus loved Father. If you’re a parent,t you know how wrenching it is to tell your child no when they are hurting. Imagine what was happening in the spiritual arena. I see heaven crying. As much in agony as Jesus was, so was Father. All of heaven cried, knowing the cup could not be taken.

Jesus said, “…take this cup from me.” The word cup is poterion {pot-ay’-ree-on} – meaning a drinking vessel; metaphorically, one’s lot or experience, whether joyous or adverse, divine appointments, whether favorable or unfavorable, a cup God presents one to drink. What is your cup (chalice)? Have you ever prayed for its removal? How many times? I’ve asked. Was it? No. We come to our Gethsemane and ask, “Is this my cup? Surely it’s not!” We say, “Lord, I don’t like this. Please remove it, but I’ll drink it if it’s my cup.” So, why do bad things happen to good, great, or godly people? Everyone’s cup has sour swallows.

Gethsemane We All Have One Luke 22:39-48

Luke 22:43 An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him.

Angels appeared only twice during Christ’s ministry, and both were at his temptations (Mat 4:11; Luke 22:43). Isn’t it great to know that if we pray during times of temptation, supernatural support will show up to strengthen us? Have you ever said, “I don’t know how I made it through, but I did?” It was angelic strengthening. You will be strengthened if you pray in your Gethsemane in times of temptation.

Luke 22:44 And being in ANGUISH, he prayed MORE EARNESTLY, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.

Notice it’s like drops of blood, not drops of blood. It was stress we can’t imagine. The word for anguish is agonia {ag-o-nee’-ah} (English agony): wrestling; of severe mental struggles and emotions, agony, anguish. Jesus was close to or experiencing a panic attack.

It says, “…he prayed more earnestly.” Even Jesus needed to pray more earnestly during temptation. There have been times I’ve prayed, but there were and are times I needed to get very serious, and I prayed more earnestly. Jesus prayed so earnestly his sweat was like drops of blood. We see the intense stress and battle he was in, but we also see the level of prayer Jesus took it to. He would not stop praying and stomped the serpent’s head in his more earnest prayer. Do you think sometimes we need to pray more earnestly?

Gethsemane We All Have One Luke 22:39-48

Luke 22:45-46 When he rose from prayer and went back to the disciples, he found them asleep, EXHAUSTED FROM SORROW. “Why are you sleeping?” he asked them. “Get up and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.”

Jesus had victory over his temptation, and the disciples needed to pray to have victory over their temptations. What should we do to not fall into temptation? We need to pray, but we’d rather sleep—maybe not naturally, but spiritually. It is good to see why they were sleeping. It wasn’t because of the big meal, too much wine, or laziness. They were exhausted from sorrow, yet they needed to pray.

Luke 22:47 While he was still speaking a crowd came up, and the man who was called Judas, one of the Twelve, was leading them.

When we think of Judas, we associate him with a traitor. There is no name more synonymous with traitor than Judas Iscariot. All four gospels give details of this hideous, yet planned by God, mystery moment. Likely, we’ve all been a Judas to some degree as well as encountered Judas. No one is immune to betrayal, not even God. Betrayal is a part of being human, beginning with Adam and Eve, who betrayed God in the garden. Cain betrayed Able. Ham betrayed Noah. Absalom betrayed David.

Gethsemane We All Have One Luke 22:39-48

The truth is anytime we love we take the risk of betrayal. Do you believe God knew about Adam and Eve’s betrayal? How about Cain and Able, Ham and Noah, Absalom and David? Did any of this blindside God? Do you think he knew about our betrayals?

It amazes me how “kind” the gospel writers are when speaking of Judas Iscariot. Instead of venting their animosity by using dark adjectives to describe him, they instead say things like “Judas, one of the Twelve.” Only remorse is expressed, not vengeance. He was given every opportunity, yet he turned and betrayed Jesus. Exactly as every disciple at the Passover meal asked, “Is he thinking I’m going to betray him?” “Who would betray him?” We know there is the possibility inside us to betray Jesus and, likely, at some place we have.

Luke 22:48 He approached Jesus TO KISS HIM, but Jesus asked him, “Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?”

He hadn’t kissed Jesus yet. He was approaching to kiss when Jesus asked. Jesus let Judas know he knew the preset sign that would identify Jesus in the dark and when to take him, but it seems Jesus gave Judas one more opportunity to abort. “Judas, are you going to do this? As repulsive as the treason was, the kiss made it hideous.

Gethsemane We All Have One Luke 22:39-48

Something interesting was that Jesus didn’t say, “Are you betraying ‘me’ with a kiss?” He said, “Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?” “Judas, do you realize you are not betraying a mere man with a kiss? You are betraying God.” Evidently, Judas did, as he went ahead and kissed him (Mat 26:49; Mar 14:45). There was another time Jesus was kissed. It was by a woman who had led a sinful life who washed Jesus’ feet with her tears, dried his feet with her hair, kissed his feet, and poured perfume on them (Luke 7:37-38).

Do people kiss Jesus today? We do it one way or the other. Many today appear to be the genuine article. Instead, they are only kissing Jesus to get out of him what they can and sell him for thirty pieces of silver. The silver of the world is more valuable to them than the precious blood. Like Judas, they end up hanging their own lives. Others are like the sinful woman who kisses his feet and pours out the perfume of their lives for him. Which are you?

Gethsemane We All Have One Luke 22:39-48

We all have a Gethsemane.

It’s your place of privacy and security. It’s your secret safe place, and it’s where you rest and where you pray. You only want your closest friends there. It’s where you hide and escape from the pressures of the world. It’s Gethsemane. But it’s also where you deal with tremendous temptations and stress. It’s where you deal with the kisses of betrayal and arrests of life. But Gethsemane is where you pray, encounter angels, overcome temptation, and crush the serpent’s head.

Gethsemane We All Have One Luke 22:39-48 audio video notes

Gethsemane We All Have One Luke 22:39-48 audio video notes

Gethsemane We All Have One Luke 22:39-48 audio video notes

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