Elevating Your Life – Blessing High Praise Fine Discourse

Blessing High Praise Fine Discourse Polished Language Invocation sermon video audio notes. You bless your life with your words of praise, commendation, and high praise. Using polished words you send a blessing into your future. God has made you wonderful. You are awesome and special. You invoke blessings into your future when you get your mouth aligned with who God says you are and see yourself as God sees you.

By Pastor Delbert Young

Blessing High Praise Fine Discourse Polished Language Invocation sermon video audio notes

by Delbert Young

Blessing High Praise Fine Discourse Polished Language Invocation sermon video audio notes







Blessing High Praise Fine Discourse Polished Language Invocation sermon video audio notes

Scriptures: Matthew 12:37, James 3:10, Psalms 139:13-16, Psalms 139:14, Genesis 17:5, Genesis 17:15-17, Genesis 21:1-3

We’re talking about the Creative Power of Words. I want to show you something I think is very powerful. Here is what Jesus said about “your words.”

 (KJV) Matthew 12:37 For BY THY WORDS thou shalt be justified, and BY THY WORDS thou shalt be condemned.

(NIV) Matthew 12:37 For BY YOUR WORDS you will be acquitted, and BY YOUR WORDS you will be condemned.”

You create your eternity with your words. By what are we justified and acquitted? Your words. By our lack of sin(s)? No. By your words. Don’t misread or mishear me. We can sin ourselves into hell and never say a word, but there is something enormously powerful about your destiny today, your future destiny, and your eternity concerning your words. That’s the Creative Power of Words!

We’ve seen our words, by definition, are “carriers.” They carry and create blessings into our futures, or they carry and create cursing into our futures. Here’s a part of what we read last time.

 (KJV) James 3:10 Out of the same mouth PROCEEDETH BLESSING AND CURSING. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.

Elevating Your Life – Blessing High Praise Fine Discourse

We noted James, the brother of Jesus, wasn’t talking about blessing and cursing other people. He was talking about blessing and cursing ourselves with our words. He compared our tongues, meaning our words, to bits in horses’ mouths used to turn the whole animal making the horse obey. Our words turn our lives. Our lives obey our words.

James also compared our words to a rudder on a large ship steering and navigating it where the pilot wants to go. We steer and navigate our lives using our words. Moreover, we set the compass course of life with our words. Furthermore, we boast by using words to create strong winds to drive us as strong winds drive a sailing ship. We’ll talk about this boasting aspect today (Jam 3:5). OUR WORDS DIRECT OUR LIVES.

I want to look at the word “blessing” today. The word James used in James 3:10 is the Greek word eulogia {yoo-log-ee’-ah} meaning – praise, commendation, high praise; fine discourse, polished language; an invocation of blessing. We’ll develop what I want to say today showing four (4) points from this definition.

#1 notice blessing involves words. It’s all about our use of words. Every part of the definition is about the use of words.

Elevating Your Life – Blessing High Praise Fine Discourse

So, a blessing is not a blessing until words are spoken.

#2 A blessing is spoken words of praise, commendation, and high praise.

Blessing involves the exaltation of someone or something.

#3 Blessings are spoken words of fine discourse and polished language.

They are words pre-thought and “polished” for use. They are worked on to make someone or something shine. #4 A blessing is spoken words used as an invocation – invoking, petitioning, and summoning good things into someone’s future.

Let’s think about my numbers 1-3. If James was teaching about blessing our own lives with our own words, how does this figure into our own lives? Well, I’ll ask you how difficult is it for you to commend yourself and praise yourself with your spoken words. We can praise God with our spoken words. We can even praise others with our spoken words, but can you praise yourself? “Oh Delbert, that’s arrogance!” Is it? “Delbert, it’s boasting.” Yes, I know.

Elevating Your Life – Blessing High Praise Fine Discourse

We’ll talk about this shortly, but how difficult is it for you to give yourself high praise? Can you give a fine discourse to yourself? Can you polish up some language about yourself? However, this is how you bless yourself, turn your future, make your life obey you, navigate into your future, and set your compass course into your future.

One more question here:

Are you worth commending with high praise, a fine discourse, and some polished language? Most people have tremendous difficulty blessing themselves, but a blessing isn’t a blessing until spoken. “Delbert, I can’t praise myself. People will think I’m arrogant.” Who said you had to praise yourself in the hearing of people? You certainly don’t want to talk negatively about yourself in the hearing of people, but praising yourself doesn’t have to be around people. There’s a difference between your words carrying out blessings to your future and your words being arrogant before people, but don’t worry about sounding arrogant. Be more concerned about getting your mouth in line with what God says.

Elevating Your Life – Blessing High Praise Fine Discourse

Psalms 139:13-16 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I PRAISE YOU BECAUSE I AM FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE; YOUR WORKS ARE WONDERFUL, I KNOW THAT FULL WELL. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

Was David being arrogant, or was David getting his mouth aligned with how God created him? In praise to God, David said, “I am a masterpiece! I know fully well how I am special! I am something else!” Is this high praise of himself or what? Did David push out some fine discourse about himself? David polished up his language about himself. What you need to see is when you commend, praise, high praise, fine discourse, and polish up some language about yourself, you are praising God, not being arrogant.

 (NLT) Psalms 139:14 THANK YOU FOR MAKING ME SO WONDERFULLY COMPLEX! Your workmanship is marvelous – and how well I know it.

God’s made you “wonderfully complex.” Nothing about you is ordinary. Your fingerprint, dental layout, retina layout, DNA, etc. is like no one who has lived or will ever live. What would happen to our self-esteem and how we approached life if we were more like David? We would say, “I am happy.” “I am awesome!” “I am wonderful.” “I am something else, and I know it!” “I am strong.” It’s not arrogant. You are praising God for making you wonderfully complex.

Elevating Your Life – Blessing High Praise Fine Discourse

Some of you women have never said to yourself, much less anyone else, “I am beautiful.” “When my husband found me he found a good thing! I brought God’s favor into his life.” “I am amazing!” You’re so focused on your flaws and how you wish you had more here and less there you can’t see how beautiful you are. You need to say, “Thank you God for making me beautiful!” Don’t tell people, and especially your husband, you’re unattractive. He doesn’t need to hear this from you. I promise you if you tell him you are wonderful he will say, “Yeah baby, you are! Do you have plans for tonight?”

Back to our definition of blessing. 

I haven’t talked about my thoughts for #4 yet. It was an invocation of blessing. When we bless we are invoking, petitioning, requesting, and summoning something into our future with our words. Have you ever wondered why God changed the names of people in the Bible and made it a big deal? We know their character changed, but this was after the name change. Jacob became Israel. Solomon became Jedediah (beloved). Simon became Peter (the rock). James and John became Boanerges (sons of thunder). You have a new name (Rev 2:17).

I want you to see why God changed names and gave you a new name. It invoked, petitioned, and summoned blessings into the future. Abram and Sarai were this way.

Elevating Your Life – Blessing High Praise Fine Discourse

Genesis 17:5 No longer will you be called Abram; YOUR NAME WILL BE ABRAHAM, FOR I HAVE MADE YOU A FATHER OF MANY NATIONS.

Don’t miss why God changed Abram’s name. It was so his future would change. In the future, Abraham would become a father of many nations. Abram means “high father.” Abraham means “father of a multitude.” Abraham was to change who he said he was. God said doing this would change his future.

Genesis 17:15-17 God also said to Abraham, “AS FOR SARAI YOUR WIFE, YOU ARE NO LONGER TO CALL HER SARAIHER NAME WILL BE SARAHI WILL BLESS HER AND will surely GIVE YOU A SON BY HERI WILL BLESS HER SO THAT she will be the mother of nations; kings of peoples will come from her.” Abraham fell facedown; he laughed and said to himself, “Will a son be born to a man a hundred years old? Will Sarah bear a child at the age of ninety?”

Sarai’s future would change by changing who she said she was. They needed to say and see themselves as God says and sees. It would bring blessings to Sarah from God. Sarai means “dominative.” Sarah means “Princess.” The changing of the names would change who they said they were, and how they saw themselves and saw each other.

Elevating Your Life – Blessing High Praise Fine Discourse

I think it’s very important how Abraham was specifically instructed no longer to call her Sarai – dominative. If we want blessings invoked into our futures, we sometimes need to change how we see people and especially how we see our spouse. It was imperative Abraham see and speak of Sarai differently. She must become his Princess. He must become the Father of a multitude to her. It’s imperative we see ourselves as God sees us, but it’s equally imperative we see others the way God sees them. By changing how they saw each other, saw themselves, and spoke it, they invoked blessings into their future, destiny, and eternity. The dream they both had would happen.

I’m certain you remember the story. God promised a child to Sarai and Abram years earlier. Time went on, but no child came. Sarah was ninety years old and way past the time a woman could give birth to a child. In those days and culture, if a wife couldn’t give her husband a son, she was seen as a failure even if it was the man’s fault. It was a humiliation for the woman. Sarai became so desperate to give Abram a son she once tried to give him one by another woman. The situation didn’t work out too well.

Elevating Your Life – Blessing High Praise Fine Discourse

We can imagine some of Sarai’s thoughts and words.

“I am a failure.” “I am inferior.” “Something’s wrong with me.” “I am a horrible wife.” “God didn’t make me correctly.” “I’m bitter.” These were the things she invoked, petitioned, and summoned into her future.

God changed Sarai’s name. Now, instead of saying, “My name is dominative, failure, inferior, something’s wrong with me, a horrible wife, messed up, and bitter,” she said, “I’m Princess. I’m married to Father of a multitude.” When Abraham and the people spoke to her, they said, “Good morning Princess.” “How are you today Princess?” All day long every day, over and over, she heard “Princess,” “Princess,” “Princess.” She went from seeing herself as a dissatisfied woman to a crowned Princess. She got her mouth in line with how God saw her. “I am special.” “I am wonderful.” Say, “I am Princess.” A few years later (about 11) we read,

Genesis 21:1-3 Now the LORD was GRACIOUS TO SARAH as he had said, and the LORD DID FOR SARAH what he had promised. SARAH BECAME PREGNANT AND BORE A SON to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him. Abraham gave the name Isaac to the son Sarah bore him.

Our dreams hinge on our seeing ourselves as God sees us. We invoke blessings into our futures when we say what God says about us.

Elevating Your Life – Blessing High Praise Fine Discourse

You know your words turn your life. Your life obeys your words as a horse obeys the bit. You know you navigate life with your words and set the compass course of your destiny as a ship’s rudder directs the ship. You know you bless your life with your words of praise, commendation, and high praise. Using fine discourse and polished words you send blessings into your future. You know your boasts are not in arrogance. Instead, they are done in praise to God. He’s made you wonderful. You are awesome and special. Also, you know you invoke blessings into your future when you get your mouth aligned with who God says you are and see yourself as God sees you.

Furthermore, you know your words will acquit you or condemn you. Your words create your future, your destiny, and your eternity. Polish up some words and send yourself out a blessing.

Blessing High Praise Fine Discourse Polished Language Invocation sermon video audio notes

Blessing High Praise Fine Discourse Polished Language Invocation sermon video audio notes

Blessing High Praise Fine Discourse Polished Language Invocation sermon video audio notes

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