Gave Gifts Unto Men: How to Identify Your Gift Mix is a study on finding your spiritual gift mix. Do we need another teaching about gifts? My answer is no if the teaching is about how I should talk in tongues and move in prophecy, etc. We have enough information about that in books, tapes, and manuals. However, if the teaching will help me identify my special gifts, my answer would be yes. I could go for that type of teaching.
Gave Gifts Unto Men: How to Identify Your Gift Mix
Gave Gifts Unto Men: How to Identify Your Gift Mix Lessons
1. Introduction to Gave Gifts Unto Men: How to Minister Well
Church, at its best, must have a release of the gifts. We will never experience God’s presence or power until the gifts are discharged. In the Bible, the people knew their gifts. They each had a “gift mix.”
2. Vertical or Horizontal? How to Value Every Gift
Vertical or Horizontal? How to Value Every Gift All the gift ministries of Ephesians 4:11 are equally important. The apostle is necessary for our growth, but not more than the teacher. When asked which ministry is the most important and necessary, most believers would answer that the apostle is the most important. Most would also say the teacher is the least important. As we will see, the apostle is foundational and desires to establish people in Christ. However, it is the teacher who will then teach and build the believer in understanding and knowledge of Christ. One is as necessary as another.
Gave Gifts Unto Men
3. The Evaluation: How to Fulfill Your Potentials
The Evaluation: How to Fulfill Your Potential. The evaluation is not a test. A test can be failed. An evaluation cannot be failed. We call a blood evaluation a blood test. It is not a test. It is an evaluation because you cannot fail it if you have blood. You are simply learning the type of blood you have been given. It is the same here. We are merely trying to learn your primary root gift and where you need to be planted in the church. One of the gifts of Ephesians 4:11 will be your primary root gift. Then there will be secondary, third, etc. This helps us understand ourselves.
5. The Apostle Gifting – How to Empower Believers
Jesus is the Apostle of our profession. But what does that mean exactly? What does an apostle do? If they are necessary for the church, who has been an apostle in my life? How would I know him or her if I met him or her? Could I have the apostolic gift? Hopefully, our lesson will help answer all these questions and more.
6. The Prophet Gifting: How to Cultivate Your Gift
Jesus ministered as a Prophet mighty in deed and word. The scriptures tell us the Lord God spoke to his people through men and women called prophets (Heb 1:1), and the Lord God speaking through prophets continues today (Rev 22:9, 6; 10:7). The Lord Jesus told us the reward we receive for receiving a prophet (Mat 10:41). There must be prophets if there is a reward for receiving a prophet.
The Lord expects us to allow prophets to guide us in our daily living (Mat 7:12; 22:40). If this is true and if prophets are necessary, then who is and was a prophet in my life? Who is a prophet in my local assembly? How would I recognize him or her? Hopefully, our lesson will help us recognize those gifted with this grace.
Gave Gifts Unto Men
7. The Evangelist
Jesus often preached as an evangelist. As we will see, there are different types of preaching. One of these is the preaching an evangelistic person is gifted to do. We are not given a lot of verses explicitly using the word the King James translates as “evangelist.” However, we are given several Scriptures using the Greek root of the word translated evangelist. We have sufficient information to determine the makeup of an evangelist.
8. The Pastor
The one gift we think we know about is the pastor gift. Most likely, we do not know as much about the pastor as we believe. We call the church leader “Pastor,” no matter what his or her actual gifting. If the leader’s gift is teaching, does the leader remain a pastor? The term “pastor” has become more of a governmental title than a gifting and anointing title as it was intended. Hopefully, we can recognize some pastors in our very own congregations who never stand behind a pulpit.
9. The Teacher
More information is given to us about the teacher in the Scriptures than any other gifting. One reason for this is because of the necessity for the anointed teacher. The Great Commission says first and foremost, Go ye, therefore, and teach all nations… Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. The teacher is vital to the body of Christ, yet seems to many as the least of the giftings listed in Ephesians 4:11.
Gave Gifts Unto Men
10. Conclusion
In conclusion, placing the gifts into specific categories may tend to say one gift doesn’t need to function in one person while another does. The truth is that all five ascension gifts reside in every one of us (Eph 4:7) at one level or another. If this is true, and it is, then every gift available by the Spirit resides in you and me. How can this be? We all have the Holy Spirit; He did not come in pieces. He desires to fill us with Himself. When I function in an ascension gift, although it may not be my primary gift, I draw from all the Holy Spirit’s available gifts so the total gift can operate through me.
Gave Gifts Unto Men
Gave Gifts Unto Men
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