Temperament Study: How to Understand Your Soul’s DNA. The Temperament Study series explores the concept of temperament as the DNA of the soul, offering profound insights into human behavior and personality. This impactful series inspired Pastor Delbert Young’s book “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made,” which examines four main temperament types: Eagle, Ox, Lion, and Man. It delves into how temperaments shape our souls, influence generational patterns, and relate to biblical characters. The study aims to help individuals understand their unique temperament traits, break negative cycles, and harness their God-given strengths. By exploring these concepts, listeners can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and others, leading to personal growth and improved relationships.
Temperament Study: How to Understand Your Soul’s DNA
Message Titles
Temperament – DNA Of The Soul – audio
Welcome to our By studying personality, I found we locate our temperament at the base of our beings. As a result, I developed this temperament study over years of testing and trials. This study helps me accomplish a change in myself. Also, other than my faith and studying the Scriptures, nothing benefited me more. I am confident it can do the same for you.
Generational Curses
Why do people become their parents? Men became the person they said they will never be – their father, or women became the woman they said they would never be – their mother. Further, is there an outside demonic force causing this? No. The Lord made our soul/temperament DNA with peculiarities. A twisting and defilement happened to our peculiarities.
Temperament – Four Faces Of Man – audio
Does the Bible say anything about temperaments? What is the Biblical and scriptural basis for this study? The Bible doesn’t use the word “temperament” but talks much about souls, which is what temperament is about. In addition, our temperaments make up our souls, and the soul is the eternal part of our being Jesus said,
Eagle Temperament – audio
The eagle temperament is called the rich temperament. Also, it is the temperament blessed with abilities and giftings. These are very brainy people. In fact, the world’s geniuses have been and are of this temperament.
Temperament – Ox Temperament – audio
The ox temperament trait (the “S” in the DISC acronym or Phlegmatic in Hippocrates’ study) is quickly and easily outwardly recognized by their pleasant and low‑key temperament. Likewise, they are extremely easy and pleasant to be around.
Lion Temperament – audio
Jesus is the Lion of the tribe of Judah, which is the Root of David. He prevails. Jesus is strong and fearless, so we readily see Him in the scriptures utilizing His lion temperament.
Temperament Study: How to Understand Your Soul’s DNA
Temperament Study: How to Understand Your Soul’s DNA
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