Sex In The Marriage 2 audio

Marriages Blessed Prayers Not Hindered audio

Sex In The Marriage 2 audio. A marriage is more than sex, but a marriage includes sex. Marriage removes the cheapness of sex. Any sex expression outside of marriage cheapens sex. Sex outside of marriage brings guilt, feelings of cheapness, and betrayal. Intercourse is the language of oneness. Home and family are issues today’s society …

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Sex In The Marriage 1 audio

Marriages Blessed Prayers Not Hindered audio

Sex In The Marriage 1 audio. Sex is not a bad word. It’s a gift from God created by God. It should be pure and natural. This should be something beautiful used to seal a relationship between a man and a woman. It’s okay to have sexual thoughts, but cannot be the only thing we …

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Covenant Relationship audio

Marriages Blessed Prayers Not Hindered audio

Covenant Relationship audio. The relationship between a married man and woman is parallel to the relationship the Lord has with His people/His church. A marriage is a covenant and must contain unending forgiveness. A primary reason marriages end is simply because refuse to forgive, thus the Lord will not forgive us. Home and family are …

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Effective Submission audio

Marriages Blessed Prayers Not Hindered audio

Effective Submission audio. What is submission? What is submission not? A wife is to be submissive to her husband, but where is the real power? It’s in a submissive wife. Submission is yielding the option to lead in order to follow. The Lord is restoring the Home and building His Church at the same time. …

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Temperament – Lion Temperament audio

Temperament - Lion Temperament audio

Temperament – Lion Temperament audio. Jesus is the Lion of the tribe of Judah, which is the Root of David. He prevails. Jesus is strong and fearless. We readily see Jesus in the scriptures utilizing His lion temperament.  Temperament – Lion Temperament Audio Temperament – Lion Temperament Teaching Scriptures Revelation 5:5 And one of the …

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Temperament – Ox Temperament audio

Temperament - Lion Temperament audio

Temperament – Ox Temperament audio. The ox temperament trait (the “S” in the DISC acronym or Phlegmatic in Hippocrates’ study) is quickly and easily outwardly recognized by their pleasant and low‑key temperament. They are extremely easy and pleasant to be around. Temperament – Ox Temperament Audio DISTINGUISHING THE OX TEMPERAMENT FROM THE EAGLE TEMPERAMENT Some …

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Temperament – Eagle Temperament audio

Temperament - Lion Temperament audio

Temperament – Eagle Temperament audio. The eagle temperament could be called the rich temperament. It is the temperament blessed with abilities and giftings. These are very brainy people. In fact, the world’s geniuses have been and are of this temperament. Temperament – Eagle Temperament Audio The eagle temperament could be called the rich temperament. It …

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Temperament DNA Of The Soul audio

Temperament - Lion Temperament audio

Temperament DNA Of The Soul audio. Welcome to our By studying personality, I found our temperament is at the base of our beings. As a result, I developed this temperament study over years of testing and trials. It’s helped me accomplish a change in myself. Other than my faith and studying the Scriptures, nothing benefited …

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Temperament – Four Faces Of Man audio

Temperament - Lion Temperament audio

Temperament – Four Faces Of Man audio. Does the Bible say anything about temperaments? What is the Biblical and scriptural basis for this study? The Bible doesn’t use the word “temperament,” however it talks much about souls which is what temperament is about. Our temperament makes up our souls and the soul is the eternal …

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Has The Church Ran Out Of Wine audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Has The Church Ran Out Of Wine audio. Does the sadness and hopelessness in the body of Christ bother you? It does us. Judy Young shares about this. People have lost their strength because they’ve lost their joy. Judy used the story from Nehemiah and the event where Jesus made wine to relate the truth …

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