Mary Mother of Jesus Luke 1:26-38 sermon video audio notes

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Mary Mother of Jesus Luke 1:26-38 sermon video audio notes. My wife and I raised a girl. Our daughter became an amazing mother, but she wasn’t twelve or fourteen years old. It’s impossible for me to imagine our daughter, at this age, raising any child much less God. I wonder what sort of a grandfather …

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Luke The Gospel Sermon Series: How to Know Jesus’ Teachings

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Luke The Gospel Sermon Series: How to Know Jesus’ Teachings is a huge study of 131 sermons. It’s not only the life of Jesus Christ. It’s his thoughts and his teachings. Everything anyone would want to preach or study about Jesus is here. It’s Jesus’ explanations and warnings about everything. At times, it’s his feelings and emotions. It’s Jesus, so very real. I loved studying and preaching this series. It took years. Its principles changed lives. Of course, it did. It is Jesus. Likely, you will never find a more real Jesus than Luke gives us. Luke is the longest study I’ve done in my ministry of 30 years. I don’t regret one minute of it.


by Delbert Young

Luke The Gospel Sermon Series

Luke The Gospel Sermon Series: How to Know Jesus’ Teachings

Gospel of Luke Chapter 1: How to Respond to the Impossible

That You May Know – Luke 1:1-4 How To Find Certainty In An Uncertain World – video audio notes 

In The Time of – Luke 1:5-25: How to Embrace Unexpected News – video audio notes

Mary Mother of Jesus sermon video audio notes Luke 1:26-38

Baby Leaped Luke 1:30-45: Celebrating God’s Work in the Womb – video audio notes

Magnify the Lord – The Magnificat Luke 1:48-56: Ultimate Song – sermon notes

Strong in Spirit Luke 1:41-77: Starting with Strong Parents – video audio notes

Luke The Gospel Sermon Series

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 2 – How to Guide a Young Family

Shepherds First Luke 2:1-20: How to Celebrate Jesus’ Birth – video audio notes

We’ve Lost The Messiah Luke 2:39-52: How to Raise Children – sermon video audio

Present Your Family to the Lord Luke 2:21-40: How to Raise Faith – video audio notes

The Gospel Of Luke Chapter 3: How To Recognize God’s Messengers

Repent You Generation of Snakes Luke 3:1-6: How to Be Genuine – video audio notes

Baptism a Picture of the Trinity Luke 3:3-22: How To Understand the Unity of God

We Come from a Long Line of Love genealogy video audio notes Luke 3:23-38

Luke The Gospel Sermon Series

Gospel of Luke Chapter 4: How To Overcome Spiritual Battles

Temptation The Devil Round 1 Luke 4:1-2: How to Resist

Round 2 Luke 4:1-8: How to Overcome Worldly Allure video audio notes

Temptation Religion Round 3 Luke 4:9-13: How to Escape Deception video audio notes

Jesus Your Home Town Boy Luke 4:14-30: How to Handle Rejection video audio notes

Demon On The Sabbath Luke 4:31-37: How to Recognize Spirits video audio notes

Natural Supernatural Eternity Luke 4:38-44: How To Know A Savior video audio notes

Luke The Gospel Sermon Series

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 5: How to Leave Your Old Life Behind

When Jesus Gets In Your Boat Luke 5:1-11: How to Trust video audio notes

How Does Sin Look to God Leprosy sermon video audio notes Luke 5:12-15

PhD’s Pharisees a Paralytic and Jesus sermon video audio notes Luke 5:15-26

How Low will Jesus Go for Sinners sermon video audio notes Luke 5:27-33

Traditions Patches Wineskins and New Wine sermon video audio notes Luke 5:31-39

Luke The Gospel Sermon Series

Luke Chapter 6

Sabbath Day Petty or Pertinent video audio notes Luke 6:1-5

The Sabbath Good or Evil to Save or Destroy video audio notes Luke 6:6-11

Apostles Ordinary Men Chosen to be Extraordinary video audio notes Luke 6:12-16

Simon Peter Was He Simon or Was He Peter video audio notes Luke 6:12-16

Apostle Peter Do You Love Me More video audio notes Luke 6:12-16

Luke The Gospel Sermon Series

Andrew Brought Him to Jesus video audio notes Luke 6:12-16

Apostle James a Son of Thunder video audio notes Luke 6:12-16

Apostle John Truth and Love video audio notes Luke 6:12-16

Philip Don’t You Believe video audio notes Luke 6:12-16

Apostle Nathanael Bartholomew and His Fig Tree video audio notes Luke 6:12-16

Luke The Gospel Sermon Series

Apostle Matthew the Publican and Apostle Thomas the Doubter video audio notes Luke 6:12-16

James son of Alphaeus Apostle Simon the Zealot Apostle Judas son of James video audio

Judas Iscariot the Apostle with a Special Place in Hell pt.1 video audio Luke 6:12-16

Part 2 Judas Iscariot the Apostle with a Special place in Hell video audio notes Luke 6:12-16

Living Like God video audio notes Luke 6:17-16-26

Luke The Gospel Sermon Series

You Want Me to Love People Who part 1 video audio notes Luke 6: 27-28

Part 2 You Want Me to Love Agape Who video audio notes Luke 6:27-36

Judge Not or Judge That is the Question video audio notes Luke 6:37-42

Trees Fruit Hearts and Foundation video audio notes Luke 6:43-49

Luke The Gospel Sermon Series

Luke Chapter 7

Man Who Amazed Jesus video audio notes (Luke 7:1-10)

Power of Compassion Raising Widow’s Son video audio notes (Luke 7:11-17)

Are You God Messiah or Not video audio Luke 7:18-20

Greater than John video audio (Luke 7:21-28)

Doubting Generation video audio notes Luke 7:29-35

Alabaster Jar of Love video audio notes Luke 7:36-50

Luke The Gospel Sermon Series

Luke Chapter 8

After This, the Kingdom of God sermon video audio notes Luke 8:1-3

Are You Listening to the Word of God sermon video audio notes Luke 8:4-15

This Little Light of Mine sermon video audio notes 8:16-21

Jesus Sleeping on the Job sermon video audio notes Luke 8:22-25

Demons Begged Him Repeatedly sermon video audio notes Luke 8:26-39

Who Touched Me sermon video audio notes Luke 8:40-48

Hopeless Jairus sermon video audio notes Luke 8:49-56

Luke The Gospel Sermon Series

Luke Chapter 9

Drive Out Demons Cure Disease Preach the Kingdom sermon video audio notes Luke 9:1-6

Who Is This sermon video audio notes Luke 9:7-9

Five Loaves of Bread and Two Fish sermon video audio notes Luke 9:10-17

Christ of God Two Questions sermon video audio notes Luke 9:18-25

Kingdom of God Will Come When sermon video audio notes Luke 9:26-27

Luke The Gospel Sermon Series

Transfiguration into Another World sermon video audio notes Luke 9:28-36

Disciples Could Not sermon video audio notes Luke 9:37-44

Who Will Be The Greatest sermon video audio notes Luke 9:43-51

Goal Resolutely Set Out for Jerusalem sermon video audio notes Luke 9:51

Destroy Them sermon video audio notes Luke 9:51-56

I Will Follow You Jesus Oh Really sermon video audio notes Luke 9:57-10:2

Luke The Gospel Sermon Series

Luke Chapter 10

Better For Sodom Than You sermon video audio notes (Luke 10:1-16)

Do not Rejoice About Success sermon video audio notes Luke 10:17-21

Joy Neighbor Good Samaritan sermon video audio notes Luke 10:21-37

Martha Only One Thing is Needed sermon video audio notes Luke 10:38-42

Luke The Gospel Sermon Series

Luke Chapter 11

Lord Teach Us To Pray pt 1 sermon video audio notes Luke 11:1-2

Teach Us To Pray pt 2 sermon video audio notes Luke 11:1-4

The Friend at Midnight The Holy Spirit sermon notes Luke 11:5-13

Beelzebub Slander sermon video audio notes Luke 11:14-23

Wicked Generation sermon video audio notes Luke 11:24-29

They Got the Sign of Jonah sermon video audio notes Luke 11:29-36

Religious Pharisees Clean Outside Nasty Inside sermon video audio notes Luke 11:37-44

Religious Terrorists sermon video audio notes Luke 11:45-54

Luke The Gospel Sermon Series

Luke Chapter 12

Yeast of the Pharisees sermon video audio notes Luke 12:1-9

Greed How to be a Successful Fool sermon video audio notes Luke 12:10-21

War of Worry sermon video audio notes (Luke 12:22-34)

The Coming of the Lord sermon video audio notes Luke 12:35-48

Peace at any Price No sermon video audio notes Luke 12:49-53

Luke The Gospel Sermon Series

Luke Chapter 13

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People sermon video audio notes Luke 13:1-9

When Jesus Goes to Church sermon video audio notes Luke 13:10-17

What Is The Kingdom Of God Like sermon video audio notes Luke 13:18-21

Are Only A Few People Going To Be Saved sermon video audio notes (Luke 13:22-30)

Go Tell That Fox sermon video audio notes Luke 13:31-35

Luke The Gospel Sermon Series

Luke Chapter 14

They Remained Silent – video audio notes Luke 14:1-14

All Alike Make Excuses – video audio notes Luke 14:15-24

Estimate the Cost! video audio notes Luke 14:25-35

Luke Chapter 15

Suppose One of You Lost A… video audio notes Luke 15:1-10

Lost Coin and The Amazing Father – video audio notes Luke 15:8-24

Angry Bitter Son – video audio notes Luke 15:25-32

Luke Chapter 16

Shrewd Manager – video audio notes Luke 16:1-9

Two Masters – video audio notes Luke 16:10-18

Marriage Divorce Remarriage and Adultery – video audio notes Luke 16:18

Rich man and Lazarus, Appearances Are Deceiving – video audio notes Luke 16:19-31

Luke The Gospel Sermon Series

Luke Chapter 17

Do Your Duty – video audio notes Luke 17:1-10

Were Not All Ten Cleansed? video audio notes Luke 17:11-19

Luke Chapter 18

Justice And Quickly – video audio notes Luke 18:1-8

Pastor and a Pimp – video audio notes Luke 18:9-14

Receive the Kingdom of God Like Children – video audio notes Luke 18:15-17

Eternal Life One More Thing – video audio notes Luke 18:18-30

What Do You Want Me To Do For You? video audio notes Luke 18:31-43

Luke Chapter 19

Zacchaeus, When Jesus Reached the Spot – video audio notes Luke 19:1-10

King Servants and Subjects video audio notes Luke 19:11-27

Stones Cry Out – video audio notes Luke 19:28-44

Jesus Assaults the Temple – video audio notes Luke 19:45-20:8

Luke The Gospel Sermon Series

Luke Chapter 20

Vineyard, May This Never Be! video audio notes Luke 20:9-19

Pay Taxes Should We or Not? video audio notes Luke 20:19-26

Resurrection Whose Wife Will She Be? video audio notes Luke 20:27-40

How Is It That They Say Son of David – video audio notes Luke 20:41-21:4

Luke Chapter 21

Coming of Jesus the Son of Man part 1 video audio notes Luke 21:5-19

Coming of Jesus the Son of Man part 2 Great Tribulation video audio notes Luke 21:20-36 

Luke Chapter 22

Then Satan Entered Judas Called Iscariot – video audio notes Luke 21:37 – 22:1-13

This Passover! video audio notes Luke 22:14-20

As It Has Been Decreed – video audio notes Luke 22:21-30

Siftings of Satan, Simon, Simon – video audio notes(Luke 22:31-38

Gethsemane We All Have One – video audio notes Luke 22:39-48

Rooster Crowed – video audio notes Luke 22:49-32

Fear Trials Bullies – video audio notes Luke 22:63-22-71

Luke The Gospel Sermon Series

Luke Chapter 23

Herod, Jesus Gave Him No Answer – video audio notes Luke 23:1-25

Crucifixion King Of The Jews video audio notes Luke 23:25-39

Father Forgive Them – video audio notes Luke 23:39-49

He Asked for the Body of Jesus – video audio notes Luke 23:50-56

Luke Chapter 24

Resurrection HE HAS RISEN! video audio notes Luke 24:1-12

EASTER NONSENSE? video audio notes Luke 24:13-32

He Opened Their Minds So They Could Understand the Scriptures – video Luke 24:33-53

Luke The Gospel Sermon Series: How to Know Jesus’ Teachings

Luke The Gospel Sermon Series

Luke The Gospel Sermon Series: How to Know Jesus’ Teachings

Sermon Sitemap Page 4

Malachi Study Series Audio

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Sermons Change The World

Delbert Young Sermons YouTube

Luke The Gospel Sermon Series

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Locking and Unlocking the Tongue sermon

The Wonderful Boasting Tongue sermon video audio notes

Locking and Unlocking the Tongue sermon series video audio notes. Scriptures instruct us to ask the Lord to set a guard over our mouths to keep watch over the door of our lips (Psalm 141:3). The image is an armed guard stationed at the mouth of a person. What does a guard do? The guard …

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Gospel of Luke Chapter 1: How to Respond to the Impossible

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Gospel of Luke Chapter 1: How to Respond to the Impossible – video audio sermon notes. Here, we have 5 messages from this chapter, so it’s a detailed study verse by verse. We took this chapter to work the groundwork for the series. It was immediately apparent this would be a long study, and it …

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Gossip and the Sick Mind sermon video audio notes

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